WA Exposure Notification UW FAQs

What is CommonCircle?

CommonCircle Commoncricle uses Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology to quickly notify users who have likely been exposed so you can help reduce the spread of COVID-19. CommonCircle allows users to find out if they’ve had an exposure to COVID-19 and to anonymously alert others if they are diagnosed positive with COVID-19 without sharing any personal information.

Who is the developer?

CommonCircle is based on the the CDC about social distancing and transmission of COVID-19.

How is my privacy protected?

You can learn more about how CommonCircle preserves your privacy while helping you reduce the spread of COVID-19 here: [link to CC page on privacy - TBD]

Will people know if I test positive?

No. CommonCircle does not share any information about you with anyone else. When someone receives an exposure notification they will only know that someone they’ve been in proximity with in the last two weeks has tested positive for COVID-19. They won’t know who the person was, or where or when the exposure occurred.

What happens if CommonCircle tells me I was exposed?

When you get an exposure notification you’ll be given instructions about what to do next. In most cases you’ll be asked to contact XXX to get more information and find out about your options for testing, etc.

The app isn’t working for me - where can I get technical support?

Where at UW can I get tested for COVID-19?

Testing for UW students, staff, and faculty is available through the Husky Coronavirus Testing program.

My friend/roommate/classmate/colleague told me they were exposed to someone who tested positive for COVID-19; what should I do?

My friend/roommate/classmate/colleague told me they tested positive for COVID-19; what should I do?

Contact us for more info
